• For long standing medical conditions, such as heart problems, asthma or bronchitis, diabetes, high blood pressure, make an appointment to see your GP before your operation.


  • This is to make sure you are as well as possible before your operation, and to try and improve your health if possible.


  • If you are feeling unwell a few days before the operation, please phone your surgeon’s rooms or hospital for further advice. Examples are if you develop a wet cough or fever.


  • Short of breath, chest tightness. Can you walk up one flight of stairs without getting short of breath or chest tightness? If the answer is no, you are higher risk and will need to be checked carefully unless you are having a “small” procedure.


  • Obesity increases the complications associated with having anaesthesia for surgery. Even short-term weight loss before your operation may help. This has to be coordinated with your GP/Dietician with exercise and a tailored diet such as the Optifast protocol.


  • Apart from the usual medical risks of Obesity, challenges for the Anaesthetist include difficulty with inserting a cannula/drip, airway and breathing problems either during or after the operation, positioning for surgery, pneumonia, blood clots, nerve injury, wound infection, bladder infection.



The longer you stop smoking before anaesthesia the greater the benefit.


  • Smoking increases your risk of having breathing problems by 6-12x. Smokers are 38% more likely to die after surgery than non-smokers.


  • Do NOT smoke on the day of your operation. More oxygen will be able to reach your organs.


  • Stopping for 3 weeks makes your wounds heal better.


  • Stopping for 6 weeks improves your lung functions.